
Do you want a respectful resolution?

Families are complex. Separations and disputes involving children can become messy, overwhelming, and deeply hurtful. But just because it started this way doesn’t mean it has to continue.

We pride ourselves on helping you resolve disputes so you can preserve the co-parenting relationship, reach an agreement on asset separation, and move on to the next chapter of your life.

You don’t have to lose sleep ruminating on what is and what could be. It’s time to stop worrying and start working on a resolution. We are a team of fully accredited Family Dispute Resolution practitioners with many years of experience working towards a same-day outcome.

We look forward to meeting  you.

Benefits of Mediation

Reduces Conflict


Save time & Money

Maintain connections with Grandparents/in-Laws & minimise conflict

 Why you should try Mediation?

  • Court cases can cost thousands of dollars and cause immeasurable damage to your relationship. We make it possible for you to reach a respectful resolution out of court.

  • If you go down the path of court, you will fracture the relationship further and there is less chance of having a healthy co-parenting relationship down the track. Mediation helps you mend those fences and put agreements in place so you can co-parent peacefully.

  • Life is too short to waste another minute in dispute. We can fit you in as soon as you like, with no long waiting times for an appointment.

Not sure where to start?