Anne-Marie Cade is passionate about people and relationships

I want to help people manage conflict well and I also want to change the way families experience divorce and separation.

Mediator Coach Speaker Facilitator

She is  passionate about the work she does  as an Alternative Dispute Resolution professional  to help her clients reach a peaceful resolution. She provides coaching and training on topics such as constructive conflict resolution, effective communication, divorce coaching, negotiation, resilience, wellbeing, and parenting coordination. In her training she provides  valuable insights and strategic advice on building conflict intelligence, constructive conflict resolution, conflict management and navigating difficult conversations.

Anne-Marie Cade is a Lawyer, Nationally Accredited Mediator, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, Conflict Resolution Specialist, Parenting Co-ordinator, Speaker, Trainer, and Lecturer in law. She was awarded a Churchill Fellowship in 2020 to conduct research internationally in 16 cities in “Best Practice in Parenting Co-ordination” with a view to informing the implementation of the practise in Australia. Read more…

Anne-Marie with Hon. Linda Dessau, the former Governor of Victoria

Anne-Marie was named Australian Mediator of the Year 2023 at the Australasian Law Awards. Judges’ comments include – “Awarded highest score for emphasis on innovation. Anne-Marie’s research to support and continue her professional work in the field is impressive and outstanding.

At the recently held Australian Dispute Resolution Awards 2024 – she was named Conflict Coach of the Year and also won in the categories of ADR Innovation of  the Year and ADR Project of the Year for her work in Dispute Resolution. Anne-Marie was also recognised as one of the Top 50 Professional & Career Women Global Awards - issued by Global Economic Forum and Awards  for   Leadership in the field of Law. She was named as one of the leading female lawyers in Australia | Elite Women in 2022 and 2023. She has won many industry awards and has been recognised as a Thought Leader, an Innovator, and a Wellness Advocate for her innovative approach to helping clients deal with life crises. Read more…

She is also an NLP Master Practitioner, a certified Divorce / Conflict coach, has training in Transformative Relationship Mediation, Brain Based Conversation and Coaching Skills (The Neuroleadership Institute), training in Applied Neuroscience and Brain Health and is also a Mental Health First Aider.