Parenting Coordination

Parenting Coordinators (PCs) use a mixture of education and coaching to teach parents the skills to manage their co-parenting relationship better and implement what is set out in parenting orders, thereby reducing the amount of conflict that a family is experiencing.

Anne-Marie’s Churchill Fellowship Report

Anne-Marie Cade was selected to investigate the best practice in parenting coordination as a dispute resolution tool after Divorce/separation.

Download Free Parenting Coordination Brochures

Parenting Coordination for Lawyers

Parenting Coordination for Parents

Providing parents with strategic solutions to everyday co-parenting problems.

Co-Parenting Coaching


Learn how to stay positive and take care of yourself.

Parenting Plans

Learn how to stick to your parenting plan and minimise conflict.


Learn effective communication and negotiation strategies that work for your family.

Childrens Needs

Learn how to keep your child’s needs and interests as a priority in all matters.

Avoid Arguments

Learn the skills to minimise disagreements.

“Anne-Marie is knowledgeable and passionate about helping parents sort out their differences peacefully if their relationship ends so that they can protect and support their children through the process. If you think that it is hopeless and your only option is to go to court talk to Anne-Marie first in order to re-focus on what really matters to you.”


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.