Divorce Support for Employees

Personalised 1 on 1 practical support for your people that solves employee’s needs. Our experts will assist employees with the life admin tasks which take so much time are complex and confusing so your employees will get back their time. Our coaches will also provide employees with the help to cope with the emotional challenges, improve communication skills and navigate conflict effectively.

This dedicated support will save employee’s time money and alleviate stress. It will unburden employees thereby boosting employee’s wellbeing and improve their performance.

Divorce Impacts your Business

Let’s Face It

Breakups have a huge impact on productivity in the workspace.

Together with the legal and financial implications that occur after the end of the relationship, employees suffer stress and anxiety and find it hard to remain focused on their work and this can be problematic.

With around 46% of marriages ending in divorce, it is becoming increasingly important for businesses to provide the necessary support to their staff who may be experiencing family breakups in order to maintain office morale and productivity. The stress and anxiety are amplified greatly if child access arrangements are uncertain.

Divorce reduces your employee productivity by 40% for a period of 3 years

23% of employees who went through a divorce or separation had to take sick or unpaid leave

Reduces co-worker productivity by 4% and line manager productivity by 2.5%

Employee retention: Almost 1 in 10 leave the company within the first year post-divorce.

Why do your employees need Divorce Support?

The pandemic caused a massive spike in divorces, an increase of 13.6% from the previous year. Managers need the training to be able to support their employees through challenging times. Managers are stressed when faced with these situations and are unable to show authentic, empathetic leadership as a result. They need the appropriate training. Human issues like relationship breakdowns, family violence, and stress are now openly discussed in the workplace, so managers must know what to say.

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Our Personalised Support

  • Guidance

    • Educating clients, understanding options available including dispute resolution processes and litigation process.

    • Analyse client’s unique situation and create a plan to move forward.

    • Explain the legal process in simple language

    • Information on engaging a lawyer and negotiating costs

    • Strategies on how to manage personal wellbeing.

  • Administrative Support

    • Organise and handle to-do list.

    • Assist with the preparation of documents and related paperwork

    • Assist with communication with legal team, other advisers and family members

    • Accompanying client to meetings with lawyers, professional advisors,

    • Preparing clients for meetings with lawyers and other professionals

    • Collating and organizing financial documents necessary for legal proceedings

    • Assisting clients with obtaining valuations of assets

    • Assisting clients with organizing real estate sales.

  • Coaching

    • Guiding client’s through challenging situations. 

    • Information on living arrangements, co-parenting, nesting arrangements

    • Negotiating co-parenting arrangements and helping resolve disputes

    • Helping manage conflict, negotiate and improve communication

    • Assist in communication with former partners and managing high-conflict interactions.

    • Managing relocations to a new home

    • Dealing with an abusive partner

    • Pre-mediation coaching

    • Referring clients to our trusted network of lawyers, mediators, psychologists, financial experts, mortgage brokers, and real estate brokers.

We are setting a new standard


Dedicated one on one support

Coaches with legal knowledge

Admin and logistical support for tasks

Personalised emotional support

Divorce Right

Other EPAs


How Domestic Abuse Impacts your business:

Domestic abuse has significant impacts on both employees and businesses, manifesting in various direct and indirect ways. Here are key statistics and insights on how domestic abuse affects the workplace:

Approximately 1 in 4 women and 1 in 10 men in the U.S. experience domestic violence in their lifetime.

  • Victims of domestic abuse are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues, which can affect their work performance and attendance.

  • 54% of domestic violence victims miss at least 3 days of work per month due to abuse-related issues .

  • Domestic violence can lead to decreased concentration and productivity, with victims often being distracted or preoccupied while at work .

  • The overall cost of domestic violence to the U.S. economy is estimated to be between $5.8 billion and $12.6 billion annually, including health care costs, lost productivity, and earnings .

  • Businesses lose an estimated $727.8 million in productivity due to domestic violence, including time off work and reduced performance while at work.

  • Victims of domestic violence are more likely to have higher job turnover rates. About 21-60% of victims lose their jobs due to reasons stemming from the abuse.

  • Replacing employees who leave due to domestic violence is costly, with turnover costs including recruitment, training, and loss of productivity during the transition period . all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

  • Training managers and employees to recognize signs of domestic abuse and respond appropriately, including providing information about available resources.

  • Empower victims to cope better and get help early

  • Ensure employees feel supported so they can move forward

Bereavement and grief can significantly impact employees and businesses, affecting productivity, mental health, and overall workplace dynamics.

Here are key statistics and insights on how bereavement and grief influence the workplace:

___ Training for Managers _____on Domestic Abuse and Support:


  • An estimated 1 in 10 employees are likely to be dealing with bereavement at any given time.

  • The average person experiences the death of a loved one multiple times throughout their career.

  • Grief can lead to severe emotional responses, including depression, anxiety, and prolonged grief disorder.

  • Bereavement can result in significant absenteeism. Studies show that employees typically take an average of 4-7 days off immediately following the death of a loved one.

  • Employees who do not feel adequately supported during their bereavement may consider leaving their jobs. The risk of turnover increases if the workplace does not offer sufficient flexibility or support.

  • Recruitment and training costs to replace employees lost due to dissatisfaction with bereavement support can be significant.


Bereavement Support

  • "I do have your details in our system and indeed will have much pleasure in recommending you in areas you have outlined and will be more than happy to engage you on my own behalf. Much of my working life has been spent in the service industry and I am always astounded at some of the so-called that is dished out as commonplace. It is rare to find enthusiasm and efficiency combined"

    Michael D

Get in Touch.

+61 401 601 737

Suite 1, 242, Hawthorn Road,
Caulfield North, Vic 3161